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Climate change has been an ongoing issue in our world and we continue to allow it. By burning fossil fuels continuously, we are dramatically increasing the levels of greenhouse gasses in our atmosphere. Rising temperatures  decrease the chances of many species survival rates due to changes that lead to less food, less successful reproduction, and interfering with the environment for wildlife.

Ugh, Humans!

Humans will continue to have the capability to put ourselves first and not be mindful of our surroundings and who/what is getting hurt based on our actions. In addition, this cartoon describes a man speaking to the animal and the animal’s habitat being burned. There are two sides of the cartoon. However,  neither side looks like a side to be safe on.

So, What’s The Answer?

supposed to overlap in the middle

We need to find a balance between whether we should put ourselves first or animals. We need to find a balance between whether we want to make the world a better place or not. We need to find a balance between whether we want to save the PLANET or not.

The Statistics

Energy related CO2 emissions stood at 36.44 billion metric tons in 2019, representing a significant increase over the pre-industrial period. On the contrary, projections for 2020 demonstrate a significant reduction in emissions as a result of COVID-19. Asia Pacific region was the largest producer of CO2 emissions in 2019.


Our new priority is technology. Technology generates huge amounts of carbon dioxide, which causes global warming that is operated by fossil fuels. This causes less natural resources including energy. This causes less of an impact on the environment.

Works Citation:

Example 1: Editorial cartoon climate change deniers Political and Editorial Cartoons – The Week: Climate change art, Editorial cartoon, Climate change effects

Example 3: Political Cartoons: Trees to stop climate change?, February 09, 2020